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Showing posts from September 4, 2011

Transition to.....Blogging!

   It's very telling, the things we procrastinate over.  I LOVE, love, love writing: it is largely what I've tethered my life to.  Yet my ability to find ANYTHING other than writing to do when I should be writing is pretty remarkable.  And while I had every intention of launching this here little blog in August, I found 31 reasons during the month of August to not do that.    But I had created a built in deadline in the form of pretty blue and black business cards.  I got them for next month's Litquake (Litquake = awesome, as well as a week long literary festival, the largest on the west coast).  I'm a repeat volunteer and ordered my business cards specifically for the purpose of being able to connect with other writers I meet that week.  (By the way, if you've never ordered business cards that you designed yourself, and allowed yourself to assign yourself a title - I chose Writer - I recommend you do just this.  It's delightful).  I put this website on the bus