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Showing posts from August 19, 2012

A Trip to the Crematorium

I love me a cemetery.  It was, in fact, the location of my very first date (an ominous beginning to a dating life).  I was 16.  We had a picnic on Daisy Mae Ordway's grave, and I was much too nervous at the time to remember anything about the conversation had.  My friends and I spent a lot of time near Daisy Mae Ordway that Summer.  This was Oakdale, CA, a 20-minute drive from my then-hometown of Waterford.  All of my then friends lived in Oakdale, so I stayed there as often as possible.  There was a good bit of sneaking out in the middle of the night to visit the cemetery down the road (this was the height of my short-lived rebellious period, so I think we might have shared a plastic cup of Pink Chablis--pronouned Chabliss by us ignoramuses--on the way) .  We were only spooked once, and that was when the sprinklers suddenly turned on one night.  Otherwise, I've always found cemeteries to be very good places to sit and meditate on life, death and all the many many things in bet