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Showing posts from August 2, 2020

Back To School, Pandemic Style

Autumn is just around the corner and it's gonna be weird. In the spring countless parents, caregivers, educators and kids were plunged into sudden homeschooling/virtual school shepherding and survival. And a whole lot of you will have to pick it up again (because #covidsucks but please #letsstayalivetogether). I have a gorgeously wide variety of parental and educational friends from my many different layers of life lived that I've connected through Facebook (even though #facebookkindasuckstoo) and I hit them up for some ideas. I was willing to bet that every single one of them had to come up with at least one hack to make distance learning survivable - if even just for a day. Something that made it just a little more bearable for everyone involved. I thought, what if everyone just trying to make it work on their own could swap some ideas? And those ideas could be shared as widely as possible so that anyone could find a new one to help buy them a little bit of sanity this Fall.