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Showing posts from August 26, 2012

An Ode to Naps

One of my favorite fringe benefits of my extended "sabbatical" from traditional work (read, the kind that gets you paid) is access to naps!  I have long been a fan of them, in fact, I thank my kindergarten teacher for instilling the value.  I'm quite certain I took naps before entering school, but I don't remember those. Kindergarten naps were the best.  I remember we each had a little blanket that we got to lay down on, the lights were turned out, and we had a giant stuffed animal octopus that we could snuggle with if it was our turn.  Everyone got one turn a month, as I recall.  He wasn't a particularly cuddly octopus, it was just cool to be special for that nap time.  Halfway through the year, a student in the class got very ill with some unremembered disease and we as a class decided to give her the octopus to express our sympathy.  Obviously, this was really the kindergarten teacher's idea and I resented her a bit for it.  I doubt they let kids take naps